About Me

I am a self-taught artist with lots passion and energy! Originally from Brazil, I travelled to Europe and now live in the UK.

Working on my latest artwork



Multiculturalism, the environment and the future of our planet are sources of my inspiration. Having grown in a poor area of central Brazil, I have experienced first-hand the migration from countryside to fast growing cities, where opposite worlds cohabit and clash, in a swirl of colours, music, noise and energy.


Maybe this is also why I wish today's world was more equal and loving. I am not perfect and don't pretend I know everything about climate change or child poverty for example, but I try to know more and understand. I've decided that I would give 10% of the selling price (which is up to 50% of my net profit) of any of my artwork to a good cause close to my heart; you can see a list here and each painting has a description of what charity it supports.

My style is influenced by abstract expressionism and communicates the conflicting feelings I have felt throughout my life, and which can be found in each one of us. Using a mixture of media and techniques, I try to transfer the constant fight between nature and humans, hope and despair, life and death.

Using strong and vibrant colours, Brazilian and European influences share the same space in an intricate dance, mixing passion, love, energy with mystery, peace and reflection.


Hope you like it, contact me if you have any question!